Hello, Everyone!
I have officially written 10 blog posts based on my recent educational technology studies, so what better time than now for a little reflection! First off, I'm not going to lie. This journey was definitely some work and, at times, a bit overwhelming; however, I knew this going in. I mean, what else is to be expected when you consistently push yourself out of your comfort zone? But, boy, was it worth it!
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Okay, I may be exaggerating with the hacker bit a little. Okay, or maybe a lot. But I do feel so much more techy!
While the research didn't blow me away, as I already was pretty familiar with the digital world and its tools, taking the time to actually use the knowledge was priceless. After e-learning, so many educators better understand classroom technology, but we often need more time to sit down and thoroughly try out new tools. We browse, read descriptions, perhaps save it for later, or even try it with the kids without diving into all the useful features. I mean, blogging has been around most of my life, and I have read plenty of them, but until now, I never tried it. My stubborn self also avoided Twitter like the plague. I had a basic understanding of it, but there was so much more to it. It ended up being one of my favorite explorations! Participating in a TwitterChat, which I didn't know was a feature, really changed my mind on how I felt about it. It's something I will continue to use to gather ideas from other educators. Side note: If you didn't get a chance to read Professional Learning Networks on Twitter, go check it out! It walks you through how to get started!
The main takeaway for me is that you have to push yourself and find the time to not just research but try all the amazing new digital tools that are popping up every day to be the most effective teacher you can be. It has definitely made me want to dedicate more time to staying up to date with new tech that I can integrate into my learning space.
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